City of the Lost (2015)

Cover City of the Lost
Genres: Fiction
Even bordering on happy. I shouldn’t be. Since I arrived in Rockton, I’ve felt like I’m on one of those playground rides that spins as fast as the other kids can run, and at first it’s exhilarating, but then you just want to get the hell off, and no one will let you, and when it finally stops, you’re left lurching around, trying not to puke in the sandbox. Then, just as the ground seemed to be levelling today, I was sucker-punched by my best friend—the whole damn reason I stepped on the ride in the first place.
Maybe it’s just a question of balance and juxtaposition. Compared with that merry-go-round hell, being curled up on the sofa in my own house, in front of a roaring fire, with a hot coffee in hand and a warm blanket pulled over me, I almost want to cry from relief. The world has stopped spinning, if only for a few moments.
Dalton is still here. I can’t see him—I’m staring at the fire and he’s in the chair to my left, out of sight. But I can hear his measured breathing, and it on adds to the calm, like a steady heartbeat.MoreLess
City of the Lost
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