Cross My Heart And Hope to Spy

Cover Cross My Heart And Hope to Spy
Genres: Fiction
A lot of people think the Smithsonian is a museum, but it’s actually a lot of different museums, and right then we were in the center of them all. We could have gone to see everything from the U.S. Constitution to Fonzie’s leather jacket, but somehow I knew that, of all the school groups that take field trips to the National Mall every year, ours was very different.
    A man in black stretched his hamstrings on a bench before taking off in a jog. A long line of women wearing matching sweatshirts that said “Louisville Ladies do D.C.” milled in front of a Metro stop. And I couldn’t help thinking, Oh, Mr. Solomon is good.
    After all, he’d been telling us for weeks that surveillance is all about home-court advantage, and that the more limited a location’s access is to the public, the easier it will be to see someone who doesn’t belong; but that day, Joe Solomon had brought us to a place where tourists converge from all over the world, a place that’s home to everyone from panhandlers t
...o politicians (Macey, by the way, swears there isn’t much difference).MoreLess
Cross My Heart And Hope to Spy
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User Reviews:

Guest 2 years ago

I love it so much, hit all the feellssss. Wjndowkwndisj just the ending is so good and the story was just ahhhhhhh yes yes yes yes yesss

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