Cruel As the Grave

Cover Cruel As the Grave
Genres: Nonfiction

CRUEL AS THE GRAVECHAPTER Lthe berners of the burning hearts.'' Their love was like the lava flood That burns in Etna's breast of flame."Near the end of a dark autumn-day, not many years ago, a young couple, returning from their bridal tour, arrived by steamer at the old city of Norfolk ; and, taking a hack, drove directly to the best inn,They were attended by the gentleman's valet and the lady's maid, and encumbered besides with a great amount of baggage, so that altogether their appearance was so promising that the landlord of the 41 Anchor " came forward in person to receive them and bow them into the best parlor.The gentleman registered himself and his party as Mr. and Mrs. Lyon Berners, of Black Hall, Virginia, and two servants.44 We shall need a private parlor and chamber communicating for our own use, and a couple of bedrooms for our servants," said Mr. Berners, as he handed his hat and cane to the bowing waiter.44 They shall be prepared immediately," anTable of Contents CONTENT


S; frwAPTTtW PABE; I The Berners of the Burning Hearts 5; II John Lyon Howe 9; III Sybil Berners 14; IV The Beautiful Stranger 26; V The Landlord's Story 28; VI Rosa Blondelle 38; VII Down in the Dark Vale 48; VIII Black Hall 52; IX The Guest-Chambers 59; X The Jealous Bride 66; XI Love and Jealousy 76; XII " Cruel as the Orare " 83; XIII More than the Bitterness of Death---- 95; XIV The First Fatal Hallow Eve 101; XV The Masquerade Ball 109; XVI On the Watch 114; XVII Driven to Desperation 119; XVIII Lying in Wait 137; XIX Swooping Down 144; XX The Search 151; XXI Sybil's Flight 157; XXII The Haunted Chapel 165; XXIII The Solitude is Invaded 174; XXIV The Verdict and the Visitor 180; XXV The Fall of the Dubarrys 192; XXVI The Specter 203; XXVII Fearful Waiting 214; XXVIII A Ghastly Procession 223; XXIX Ohostly and Mysterious239; XXX Flight and Purs

Cruel As the Grave
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