Fauna of New England 11 List of the Aves

Cover Fauna of New England 11 List of the Aves
Genres: Nonfiction

The following list aims to include all species of birds h o a n to hare occurred in Nea-England within historic times. lhose only whose occurrcncc is bclicved to be natural are given a serial number, while introduced, escaped, or hypothetical species are given in a separate Iist. The ilomenclature is that adopted by the American ornithologists union, including the changes of the 14th supplement to the Check-List, July, 1908. Of the vernacular names, the first given is in each case that of the Check-List, and those follo 1 n g a re local narncs current for the most part in New England. Unless otherwise stated, the term migrant means that the species occurs in both the spring and the fall migrations summer resident implies that the species breeds resident, that individual birds remain the entire year in the State. The migration and nesting dates given, are almost wholly those available from published sources and are hence in many cases, soruewhat meager. Un usual dates are enclosed withi


n parentheses. If the records for the prcscnce of a given species within any State do not excced thrcc, the place and datc of each arc given if known. , For brelity of dtation, references to figures of eggs in the works of Bendire, Capen, and Seebohm are given by the name oT the author followed by the date, plate, and figure. The titles of these o r k s follow - Bendire, C. Life histories of North American birds with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs. Special bull. no. 1, U. S. nat. mus., 1892, viii 446 p., 12 pls. special bull. no. 3, U. S. nat. mus., 1895, ix 518 pp., 7 pls. Capeu, Elwin h. Oology of Netv England a description of the eggs, nests, and breeding habits of the birds known to breed in Ncw England, with colored illustrations of their eggs. Boston, 1886, 4t0, l16 pp., 25 pls. Seebohrn, Henry. Coloured figures of the eggs of British birds, with descriptive notices. Sheffield, xxiv 304 pp., pls. The Library and Publishing Committee will issue, as I-olume seven of the Occasional Papers, a Catalogue of the animals of Xerv England. Parts will bc published at irregular intervals, and though the details of the several lists will vary somewhat in the diffcrcnt groups, each list will incIude, lst, the acccpted name scientific and vernacular Zd, reference to the original description, with record of locality 3d, reference to an authkntic description and illustration, and 4th, habitat and occurrence. The Committee considcrs these lists a necessary preliminary to a series of comprehensive, illustratc l monographs, the pu bIimtion of which it is hoped the Society will at some later time take upon itself. fie Committee also believes that these lists will aid in the accumulation of aluablem aterial for the New England collection of the Society. Frith this in view a separate check list of names mill be issued with each part. In this chcck list the indicates a specimen in the Societys Museum the-that a trustworthy record exists. Toward the accomplishment of its aims the Committee invites the cooperation of all interested in the Fauna of New KngIsnd. Communications concerning specimens should be addressed to the CURATOR of the Society Chm. JTr. Johnson, notes and reconis of occurrence to the EDITOR of the Fauna of Ncw England nmuel IIenshaw . Boston Society Natural History, 234 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. Colyrnbus holbocllii , . , , . auritus . . . . . . Podilymbus podiceps . . , . , Gavia imrner . . . . . . . srctica . . . . . . . stellata . . . . . . . Lunda cirrhata . , . . , . Fratercula arcticn . . . . . . Cepphus grylle . . . . . . . IJriatmilc . . . . . . . . . lornviu . . . . . . . . Alca tordn . . . . . . . . Plantus impennis . . . . . . Alle alle . . . . . . . . . Megalestris skui . . . . . . Stercorarius pornsrinus . , . ...

Fauna of New England 11 List of the Aves
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