My Impressions of America

Cover My Impressions of America
Genres: Nonfiction

TO MY AMERICAN READERSWITH the appearance of the American edition of this book, I owe my dear friends on the other side of the Atlantic a word of explanation. They must not look for anything new here, because they themselves, and their own country, which they know much better than I do, are the subject of what I write; they will find merely an echo of impressions gathered in their midst, by a guest to whom they gave such a welcome as few men have ever received.If these impressions are characterised by a very manifest optimism, it may be attributed, in the first place, to the delight of a tour in which everybody vied with everybody else in delicate attentions to the traveller; and furthermore the cause may be sought m his mental proclivities and moral convictions.Certainly he docs not belong in the number of those who are blind to evil; quite otherwise. He sees it, and suffers cruelly because of it, especially when he discovers it among those whom he loves. But it seems to him thaAbout


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