Portraits of the Sixties

Cover Portraits of the Sixties
Portraits of the Sixties
Mccarthy Justin
Genres: Nonfiction
Book digitized by Google from the library of the University of California and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb. The early sixties.--Charles Dickens.--W. M. Thackeray.--Thomas Carlyle-Alfred Tennyson.--Richard Owen-The brothers Newman.--Richard Cobden.--John Bright.--Sir Stafford Northcote.--A parliamentary group.--Another parliamentary group.--From Commons to Lords.--"Crownless sovereignties."--Sir Richard and Lady Burton.--Two philanthropists.--Ruskin and the pre-Raphaeilites.--John Arthur Roebuck.--Italy's English sympathizers.--Stars that rose in the sixties.--Lord Clarence Paget-Thorold Rogers.--Goldwin Smith.--The Keeleys, Robson and Webster.-- The Bancrofts.--Three queens of song.--Three stage graces.--Some queens of society.--Last words
Portraits of the Sixties
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