Resolution of the Boston City Council Approving Undertaking of Surveys And Plans for the Campus High School Urban Renewal Plan And Approving Filing of An Application Therefore Approving Early Land Acquisition And Disposition And Related Activities in That

Cover Resolution of the Boston City Council Approving Undertaking of Surveys And Plans for the Campus High School Urban Renewal Plan And Approving Filing of An Application Therefore Approving Early Land Acquisition And Disposition And Related Activities in That
Resolution of the Boston City Council Approving Undertaking of Surveys And Plans for the Campus High School Urban Renewal Plan And Approving Filing of An Application Therefore Approving Early Land Acquisition And Disposition And Related Activities in That
Boston (Mass.). City Council
Genres: Nonfiction
...text of the resolution concerning the proposed urban renewal plan for a portion of Boston's Roxbury neighborhood; states the need for the plan and stipulates elements that the plan must address (relocation of residents, provision of local grants-in-aid, prohibition of discrimination, land use and building requirements, conformity to the city's General Plan, etc.); the exhibits include: a text boundary description of the area, a detailed relocation report, a covenant stating that the City will bear all costs that arise as a result of land taking, demolition and removal and a certificate of the City Clerk certifying that the resolution is a true and correct copy; a copy of this item was in the BRA collection..
Resolution of the Boston City Council Approving Undertaking of Surveys And ...
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