Second Chance

Cover Second Chance
Genres: Fiction
And that frustrated her greatly.  The fact that the daily meetings seemed nothing more than futile brainstorming sessions left Ava’s brain feeling…well, strangely empty.  And that frustrated her even more.  Their inability to come up with a decent plan of attack had everyone’s nerves frayed.
    Ava was completely lost when it came to Carrick.  He never sought conversation with her. If she asked him something, he was courteous but usually answered with the fewest number of words possible. She suspected he actually made it a game to see if he could answer her with just one syllable.  She tried to broach the subject of her apology with him one more time, but he shut her down.  He clearly wasn’t interested in talking about it any further.  When not meeting with the Conclave, Carrick spent every day and most of the night away from her.  She figured he was attending duties and training but she wasn’t sure because he would never discuss anything with her.  She was always asleep by the time
...he came home.  He was always gone in the morning when she woke up.  It left her feeling bereft and lonely.MoreLess
Second Chance
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