Swallows And Amazons

Cover Swallows And Amazons
Genres: Fiction
A very old lady (TITTY), enters. She is carrying a feather duster in her hand. She looks about her. She has not been up here for a long time, and, slowly, she reacquaints herself with her old possessions: a cabin trunk, an old-fashioned typewriter, a stuffed parrot, a whistling kettle, pots and pans, blankets. She sits down and takes up an old photograph album. She blows the dust from the cover and opens it. As she turns the pages, the photographs she is looking at come to life. There are two o...f young men in Naval uniform (JOHN and ROGER). One is of a very smartly dressed, intellectual-looking lady (SUSAN). The last is of a kind-looking lady, arm in arm with a Naval Commander (MOTHER and Father). TITTY smiles.
Suddenly the feather duster sits up and squawks. TITTY stares at it in astonishment, then remembers.
TITTY. Polly?
The duster is transformed into a parrot. It squawks again, and flies to her. It lands on her hand.
She strokes its feathers. After a moment, TITTY begins to sing.

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