Tales And Maxims From the Midrash

Cover Tales And Maxims From the Midrash
Genres: Nonfiction

Book Description: "This is the (unattributed) source for the next two entries' Midrash extracts. This book has the references for each of the passages quoted lacking in the texts below, which makes it the best source if you wish to quote some of this material." (Quote from sacred-texts.com)Table of Contents: Publisher's Preface; Introduction; Alexander Of Macedon; Demons; Ashmedai, The King Of Demons; Messiah; Genesis Rabba; Exodus Rabba; Leviticus Rabba; Numbers Rabba; Deuteronomy Rabba; Midrash Ruth; Midrash Song Of Songs; Midrash Ecclesiastes; Midrash Lamentations; Midrash Esther; Midrash Psalms; Midrash Proverbs; Midrash Samuel; Midrash Tanchumah Or YelamdinuAbout the Publisher: Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, Esoteric and Mythology. www.forgottenbooks.orgForgotten Books is about sharing information, not about making money. All books are priced at wholesale prices. We are also the only publisher we know of to


print in large sans-serif font, which is proven to make the text easier to read and put less strain on your eyes. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.

Tales And Maxims From the Midrash
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