The Dam Busters

Cover The Dam Busters
Genres: Fiction
The squadron got new aircraft and did a lot of training flying, both high and low level, finding it boring, and the crews, who were supposed to be the pick of Bomber Command, became “browned off.” Men of other squadrons who were doing several ops. a week took to ragging them as the “One op. squadron”.Cochrane told Gibson he had done enough operations and would not let him fly again. Squadron Leader George Holden, D.S.O., D.F.C., arrived to take over, but Gibson stayed on for a few days. Holden was slight and youthful with fair wavy hair but a brusque manner. Before the war he had worn a bowler and carried a rolled umbrella, but was a very tough young man. He had felt very sick once but kept flying on ops. for over a week till he nearly collapsed after landing one night and went to the doctor, who examined him and said, a little startled, “Well, I think you’ve had pleurisy, but you seem to be nearly all right now.”617 went to war again on July 15, against power stations in Northern Italy.
The Dam Busters
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