The Plays of William Shakespeare. in Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections And Illustrations of Various Commentators 8

Cover The Plays of William Shakespeare. in Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections And Illustrations of Various Commentators 8
The Plays of William Shakespeare. in Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections And Illustrations of Various Commentators 8
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
Genres: Nonfiction

Book digitized by Google from the library of Harvard University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb. The above title occurs only in v. 1; other volumes have only: The plays of Shakspeare .. v. 1. Advertisement. Rowe's Life of Shakspeare. Additional anecdotes, &c. Stratford register. Shakspeare's coat of arms; mortgage; will. Dedication and Preface by Hemings and Condell. Prefaces by: Pope, Theobald, Hanmer, Warburton, Johnson, Steevens. Prefaces by: Capell, Mason, Malone, Reed. Entries of Shakspeare's plays on the Stationers' registers. List of editions of Shakspeare's. List of editions of Shakspeare's poems. List of altered plays from Shakspeare. Criticisms on Shakspeare, &c. Chronological order of Shakspeare's plays. Malone's essay on Ford's pamphlet, &c. Steevens's remarks on it.--v. 2. Farmer's Essay on the learning of Shakspeare. Colman's remarks on it. Catalogue of ancient translations from the Greek and Roman classicks, by Steevens. Malone's Historical account of th


e English stage. Steevens's additions. Commendatory verses.--v. 3. Glossarial index. Tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. Merry wives of Windsor.--v. 4. Twelfth night. Measure for measure. Much ado about nothing.--v. 5. Midsummer night's dream. Love's labour's lost. Merchant of Venice.--v. 6. As you like it. All's well that ends well. Taming of the shrew.--v. 7. Winter's tale. Comedy of errors. Macbeth.--v. 8. King John. Richard II. Henry IV, pt. I.--v. 9. Henry IV, pt. II. Henry V. Henry VI, pt. I.--v. 10. Henry VI, pts. II-III. Dissertation, &c. Richard III.--v. 11. Henry VIII. Troilus and Cressida. Timon of Athens.--v. 12. Coriolanus. Julius Cæsar. Antony and Cleopatra.--v. 13. Cymbeline. Titus Andronicus. Pericles.--v. 14. King Lear. Romeo and Juliet.--v. 15. Hamlet. Othello

The Plays of William Shakespeare. in Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ...
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