The Short Reign of Pippin Iv (2010)

Cover The Short Reign of Pippin Iv
The Short Reign of Pippin Iv
John Steinbeck
Genres: Fiction
Street, John Steinbeck wrote on March 20, 1956, “. . . without warning an idea happened that so charmed me that I couldn’t shake it out. It is the wrong length, the wrong subject, and everything else is wrong with it except that it is fun and I could not resist writing it. I must say I do have fun with my profession, if that’s what it is.”1 This irresistibly charming idea became The Short Reign of Pippin IV, the least known and least characteristic of Steinbeck’s novels but the one he most enjoyed writing. Uncharacteristic because it is set in France rather than in California or Mexico, its characters are urban sophisticates rather than farmers, its dialogue has an urbane polish instead of being the talk of working men, and its droll humor is mostly gentle satire rather than the high-jinks of Tortilla Flat, Cannery Row, and Sweet Thursday.
The idea that Steinbeck found so entertaining was to return the monarchy to France at a time when the Fourth Republic was so unstable that it was i
...n danger of collapse.MoreLess
The Short Reign of Pippin Iv
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