The Sweet Side of the Ropes: Enthralling Tales of Male-Male Romance

Cover The Sweet Side of the Ropes: Enthralling Tales of Male-Male Romance
The Sweet Side of the Ropes: Enthralling Tales of Male-Male Romance
Kiernan Kelly
Genres: Fiction
The bell over the door fell silent, the register stopped clanking and clattering and spitting up receipts, and a soothing quiet fell over the store like a warm, fuzzy blanket.Damn, but his dogs hurt. He removed his shoes and socks, wiggling each toe in relief. Sighing, Jack leaned back in his chair and put his bare feet up on the counter, folding his arms behind his head.Such was life for Jack McGill, proprietor of The Sensuous Shopper, the one and only erotic supply house in town—not that the lack of competition should be surprising. The town wasn't much more than a flyspeck on the map, located in the middle of God's hairy ass, with a population of less than what a good-sized stadium would hold. What was surprising was the fact that from the day he'd bought the store a year ago, business had been booming.He didn't even really understand why he'd bought it. If he thought about it—which Jack tried not to do, since it gave him a bastard of a headache—purchasing an erotic supply store sm...ack dab in the middle of nowhere should not have struck him as a sound financial investment.MoreLess
The Sweet Side of the Ropes: Enthralling Tales of Male-Male Romance
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